Monday, August 22, 2011

The Ten Week Itch!

I can't believe we are approaching that time of the year where summer fades to memory and fall becomes a welcomed relief from a summer that will undoubtedly be recorded in the record books. I love fall for so many reasons. I got married to the love of my life in the fall. The weather is so agreeable during the fall. The state of Arkansas becomes a painted picture in the fall...but most importantly, my baby boy will be born THIS fall. As i schedule my last bit of work before the inevitable "places i probably should not be when my water breaks" becomes foremost on my mind on daily outings, I realize that he will be here very soon!! I can't say that this pregnancy has flown by because of the unobtrusive nature of the pregnancy and its easy fit into my lifestyle. This pregnancy has been rated a 6 out of 10 on the scale of ease...and i might be over rating it simply because i am almost done. This blog is not intended to be a one sided rant of all the wrong in the world, but a truthful account of day to day life in our "Howsehold." That is why i feel so inclined to blog my pregnancy into cyberspace...

I am blessed and I know this with every kick and turn he does in my belly, but i can truly chalk up pregnancy to the likes of the movie...body snatchers...or alien. It has been a roller coaster of nausea, emotions, restlessness, discomfort, protruding body parts, congestion, and urine. I know there is more i am missing, but these were all experienced within the last 8 hours so i felt that they were easiest blogged about at this time. I hear so many women express their love of pregnancy...all nine months of it. I may understand this and even join the ranks of these women once my little bouncing bundle of joy arrives, but for the past 7 months and the next 10 weeks to come, i will just continue to let my jaw drop when i hear these women account for their nine months of glowing goodness. I will say now that I can feel him move around it is more enjoyable, but for the most is just weird.

With all that said and complained about, i can not believe i have 10 weeks left. There was a point in the pregnancy where i thought i was going to be sick and pregnant forever, but the last couple of weeks have really flown by before our eyes. Nathan and I like to sit around and think about the beginning, when we both were scared out of our minds and i spent more time lying down "sick" then standing up doing anything productive. We also like to think about what it will be like being scared out of our minds when he decides to make his debut, which has led to what i affectionately call the "ten week itch." We are so not ready for Reed logistically, but we can't wait to meet him so we are in baby limbo. We think ten weeks will take forever to get here, but we aren't completely sure we can get everything done in ten weeks. Like i said..Limbo.

So for the next 10 weeks, we are going to prepare ourselves for the nine week itch, then the eight week itch and so forth and so on until he arrives. I think that each week will come with another set of fears, realizations, and pregnancy symptoms, but along with all of this will come fall. And what i know is that i love fall and everything that fall will usher in....including our little bundle of joy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The beginning and the end.

Today marks the first day of school for most of the schools in Arkansas, including the one where my husband teaches. He is a fun- loving and fantastic kindergarten teacher that absolutely loves his job. 20 screaming, hyper-active, oblivious children is not an ideal job for just anybody. In other words, you have to love what you do to do that job! One of the perks of being a teacher is the summer break that follows the 9 months of academic trials and tribulations. Nathan and I had a summer full of road trips, adventure, and pregnancy cravings and as I am writing this, I am having a hard time believing that our summer vacation has come to an end and the inpending parenthood will soon begin. In two and a half very short months! Don't believe me....just check our baby countdown clock at the top of this blog. We are all but circling the landing strip for our little bundle of joy.

Since I am new to blogging, I will give a little background on our pregnancy. On St. Patricks day, Nathan was grading papers downstairs of our very "vertical apartment" and I was lying down upstairs with what I thought was the stomach flu. When I say very vertical, I mean that our cute newlywed apartment had three floors, a rooftop deck and loads of stairs in between. This apartment was perfect for our newlywed lifestyle consisting of us, a large beast of a dog, and an occasional plant here or there. This lifestyle came to a sudden halt on this St. Patricks day! Like I was saying, Nathan was on the first floor and I was on the third floor trying to feel better in order to celebrate St. Pattys day. I had just gotten back from working in Dallas where I spent the majority of the time feeling awful! In the back of my head I felt like something was off, a little different then a normal illness, so I did one of the scariest things in my life...took a pregnancy test.

I figured in the three minutes the pregnancy test takes to process the results, I would be able to process my feelings on the situation at hand...yes, that's right...three minutes to process my feelings on 9 months of growing a human and then raising the human for life. I guess I'm not always rational when I'm sick, but who is. Well the three minutes Clear, Blue and Easy promised me was actually all of 30 seconds before I got the digital "pregnant" reading. It would take a whole 8 posts on this blog to tell you what my emotions were while reading those 8 letters, so I'll sum it up with the word shocked!! I went downstairs to inform the second person of our little "just the two of us" lifestyle that there would in fact be three of us very soon. I made it downstairs with a look of shock plastered across my face which kind of took away from the "so let me tell you something" plan I had. In fact, I don't think I said a word at all...I just cried.

Nathan was beyond thrilled and by the looks of it, beyond scared. We were absolutely in disbelief and for the rest of the night, Nathan would stare at me like I might self-combust at any minute.

I truly don't remember too many details of that night or the several days following from the post traumatic found out we are having a baby disorder, but I do remember falling in love with my nine month body roommate and looking forward to the fun, fear, and love to come.

Like I was saying at the beginning of this post...It is the first day of school for so many schools here in the state and my husband is happily at work looking forward to a year of excellence from his new students. I usually don't put too much thought into the first day of school since I have long graduated from the first day of school frenzy, but this year with my big belly blocking several of the keys on the computer, I know that this marks the ending of my pregnancy and in the future, the first day of school for my little one. Am I ready? Who knows!!