Friday, August 17, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Ok. Please take pity on my poor, blog-neglecting soul. It has been close to a year since my last blog post. I think i am about two and a half months from it being one year since my last post and I swear to you i have a good and reasonable reason from the, um, silence. His name is Reed and he doesn't appreciate sleep the way you or I appreciate sleep, in fact, he doesn't want much to do with sleep at all. Hence, the crickets chirping, power outage style silence on the blog-es-phere. I must say that not sleeping through the night for what feels like 4 years, but has actually spanned about 10 months, will certainly take the "i need to blog about my day and scream at the computer while trying to crop photos," drive right out of you. What truly has blown my mind is how fast the past 10 months has gone. Not necessarily the night time hours, but the day to day happenings of our lives has really flown! Why am i back must you ask? That momentous occasion that every new mommy dreams of as they nurse their bouncing, bubbly baby for the 4th time in one night. The all night sleeping phase of baby-hood. Reed finally reached this milestone after 10 months of marathon night time eating, and started sleeping through the night this past week. So after a few nights of all night slumber, i have rebooted this bad boy (and myself) back up and fully anticipate to make regular and timely posts. Well, maybe i should rephrase that as semi-regular and in no way timely posts. I mean i do have a teething 10 month-er.

This cutie patootie is worth every late night and early morning and everything in between. He is certainly growing fast!

Until the next,


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